The Pennsylvania Standard Residential Lease Agreement is a written contract formed between a landlord (lessor) and a tenant (lessee) for the purpose of setting clear rules regarding the renting of an apartment or home. The standard length of a residential contract is one (1) year, although any duration can be negotiated if the landlord is willing to change the term. It is recommended landlords take a considerable amount of time reading and editing the contract to ensure it matches their specific rental situation, while also ensuring it stays within the requirements outlined by the state’s lease Landlord and Tenant Act. Landlords should be aware of the fact that Pennsylvania is a “tenant-friendly” state, pointing to the fact that eviction processes are far more difficult than other states.
Version 1 – Landlord Association
Version 2 – Association of Realtors
Version 3 – Plain Language Lease
Maximum Security Deposit (§ 250.511a): First year of lease: two (2) months’ rent. Subsequent year(s): One (1) months’ rent.
Returning Security Deposits (§ 250.512): Starting from the termination of the lease or the tenant’s surrender of the premises (whichever comes first), landlords have thirty (30) days to return security deposits.
Rent Increase Notice: No statute.