Select a PDF file to resize: upload the file from your computer or cloud storage service like Google Drive or Dropbox. Or, you can also resize your PDF by dragging and dropping PDF files directly into the resize a PDF convert box for upload.
Slim your pages down, or help them bulk up! Choose the size settings of your page by selecting page size and margins.
Our online PDF tool will begin to resize your file so please wait. As soon as your file is ready for access, you can retrieve your newly resized PDF documents by downloading the PDF online to your computer as well as view the new page size in your browser.
Even our ancestors used margins to help them format their text! Margins were first used in ancient Egyptian papyrus scrolls. Because scrolls were unrolled horizontally, columns of text were separated by margins to indicate to the reader when to move down to the next line.
Need margins that aren't uniform? Our tool allows you to set the measurement for each margin on your page. More space on the left, less space on the right, equal on the top and bottom: we've got you covered! Wanted to print that fabulous file of yours in legal size but you're stuck in letter size? Don't worry! With only a few clicks of your mouse, our handy resize tool will help you get your document to the size you want.
Does the file or files you upload also need to be reduced to a smaller file size in order to increase your ability to easily share your files? If so, use our online Compress tool to reduce the size of any of your documents. To compress PDF, simply use our online PDF compressor tool. Much like our resize PDF online tool, our PDF compress tool is easy-to-use and available online. Simply upload your files or choose the PDF to compress and Soda PDF will take care of the rest!
Our converter tool allows you to convert PDFs into Microsoft Office files such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents. Or you can easily transform images, Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents into PDFs simply by uploading your file to our converter tool. Soda PDF has many easy-to-use tools to help you with any and all of your document needs. We want to be your one-click solution. No matter if you're looking to edit, merge, convert, compress, resize, sign or password protect your documents, Soda PDF can help you get any task completed in no time!